Buzzshave. The first female dramatic haircut video company in the US. Buzzshave

The first female dramatic haircut video company in the USBuzzshave  Shearer (as told to ‘Da Marsh) AUTHOR’S NOTE: This story contains depictions of sexual situations, bondage and discipline, male and female domination, and of course, female headshaving

Most of the bets did not make much sense either. 12. You may not realize how much your hair adds definition and can soften your facial features," says Nadin. I have known Angela most of my life. Buy Buzzshave Videos With Dogecoin. RICK’S FAVOR by Shornlocks. A long time ago, she had grown it out from her beloved short haircut, to please Tom, and then kept it long for several years at his insistence. Oct. Emotional Content. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Rod started to heat up as I was cooling down. I looked bald, worse than my brothers did when they got their hair cut for the summer. She did mean things to some of those folks including two friends, Karen and Rebecca. May. My husband of fifteen years, Joe, has always wanted me to shave my head. Punishment Turned Pleasure- JHawkGuy This is the first collaboratory effort of the fictional-haircutting-story variety by my [. $ 23. 31. As the early 00s approached, the buzzcut came to symbolise significant moments in celebrities’ lives. A soon to be fan favorite!Heather is a young professional model who is coming for the ultimate makeover. This is a story about four girls: Jessica, Donna, Nikki, and Sally. ]Wife’s Short Haircut Surprise. . During the next month she brought home hairstyle books and hid them under the couch. ] 04 Sep. 11. 23 Dec. I get an indescribable rush showing off my sculpted muscled body that I’ve worked for many long hours. Sherri had moved back east when her mom was divorced. She couldn’t look beyond the dark chestnut hair falling to well past her shoulders. You must be logged in to post a comment. ]Posted on May 9, 2021 by Buzzshave. Categories. You are completely helpless and obedient. Videos - GregP Yesterday, 9:06 pm. 07. Connie is sound asleep and does not waken as the twins empty the tube all round her head. . Rod started to heat up as I was cooling down. Rockie-Lynn is a professional bounty hunter. . 9. You see our friends Ken and Sandy were coming over to have a few drinks and for us to meet Ken’s wife Sandy. Buzzshave $350 a Day. 17. Carlo held his head out of the rear window, or where the rear window would be if we had one in this rag top ’58 Chevy. They had by quirk of fate all gone to the same local state college as well in the same town. It was her first day there, and as all new students did, she had been scheduled to meet with the school’s principal,. Bad & Politically Incorrect Hair Story. Neighbour Sisters – Long Hair Cutter. Sassy Sarah 1 Video. She is also the big sister of amazing Amanda. Lizzy Video. On Our Own by Sean O'Hare 1. & HeadBoy. She was coached to look and sound excited during the cut and afterwards, talk enthusiastically to the other women about her new look. I. May. Make it your own. And in lots of hair? Well, lots of power. 25. Author Archives: Buzzshave. Winning The Bet. . I swear it!’. Well today we meet Krista. Suzy was suddenly awakened by the thumping on her bedroom door. Instant Princess. She recently had cut it short, short like Demi Moore wore in the movie “Ghost”, short at the request. The wedding and the reception are the ones to remember for me. I’ve tried just about every style and color imaginable on my hair. 07. Tonight would be no different from many Saturday nights that proceed this one. You made a wish, I’m here to help you realize it. Posted on September 4, 2023 by Buzzshave. Category: Head Shave Videos. But, his sweat on his chest and his back made me want to heat up again as we did the foreplay again. Candice agreed to a shoot with us. As I opened the door and stepped into the hairdressers it all looked strangely familiar but different. Posted on October 11, 2023 by Buzzshave. “God, I hate studying for tests,” Carrie complained from her seat at the desk in Tara’s room. I got close to the family room and. Janine Doesn’t Graduate . . Add to cart Category: Head Shave Videos Description You have found the premier site for hair related stories. My Haircuts. Add to cart. That’s just what everyone called her. Like many women, I love to change my hair. “OK. The dry soap pulled and tugged at Anne’s hair until it began to moisten and work up a lather. Aug. The stylist brushes Blondie away and without a word proceeds to chop the rest of Ruth’s hair to the same length – swiftly and expertly. Boy What a Surprise!!! My husband and I have been married for two years, and we have now decided to experiment with cross dressing. 1 around the. My girlfriend Tina is really a knockout. 10. Boarding School From: KIBBLE@vm. Nov. Flat Top Required – CutUps. 05. Hard Times by Sammy Things were starting to get a bit tight. Aug. All during high school and college Allison ridiculed others who were more fashion extroverts than she was. ”. Posted on September 23, 2023 by Buzzshave. Bets & Dares (54) De-Feminisation (19) Forced Haircuts (138) Foreign Langauge Stories (1) Girls at the Barber's (114) Home Haircuts (108)Curly Changes Her Name by Sabrina S. . Posted on September 28, 2023 by Buzzshave. 03. Consider the extent of your baldness. She loves to paint and draw. Military Mike . Mercy’s Devil – Cheshire Cate. Tall men, short men, handsome men, ugly men…. 07. Finally she is creamed up an gets the straight razor to the scalp for a smooth finish. The Will – Ann Sully. Categories. 02. This morning had started out like most others. Self Cut Today was the day I was going to chop my hair off. It was a typical Thursday evening and I had just gotten off work. The Secret Collection – Electra. But imagine walking around in the world without it. CARRIE'S CUT "God, I hate studying for tests," Carrie complained from her seat at the desk [. Blondie. . When she went to the hospital, she noticed it was rather hectic, and she sat and waited for her name to be called. 28. Mar. +34. Fear Eve had always wanted to do it. 00. She had been trying to grow her hair out now for what seemed like forever, but she was beginning to tire of the process. Lolita gave him a desperate glance, shaking her head. Gloria was feeling a bit sore after her workout. Author Archives: Buzzshave. 01/11/2023. 00. ]Melissa and Chris by BonnieJo A recent quiet Thursday afternoon became one of the most exciting [. By the time Connie awakes the glue has set rock hard. London Tales VII . $ 23. . Victoria L Video. Donna Parker walked down the hallway of Sacred Heart School for Girls. 00. This is not a download. Mar. Apr. Posted on October 7, 2020 by Buzzshave. Jul. 02. Dawn’s Cut . Jan. Oct. Aug. 31. The Barber’s Pole (Urge #1) Our Reader Score [Total: 84 Average: 2. The following is totally true. Bets & Dares (54) De-Feminisation (19) Forced Haircuts (138) Foreign Langauge Stories (1) Girls at the Barber's (114) Home Haircuts (108) Non-Consensual Haircuts. Sarah’s First Haircut By Jim B. “How DARE you misbehave at this birthday party,” hissed the sable-skinned beauty while grabbing Cindy’s wrist, as the five year-olds around her giggled uninhibitedly. How To Completely Accept Hair Loss Even If You Think You Can't - todays video I talk about the pros and cons of both the buzz c. It had been a disappointing night in the bar. A True Story – Anon. It was practice again for our high school cheerleaders team, Candy stood out from all the rest, mainly because of her over-bleached, over-done big hair. The New Girl in School – Ants1234. “You get back in that chair,” hissed Alice as Jenny stood paralyzed for a moment. And wasn’t to happy with the outcome. For years I’ve had a hair fetish. With those long brown legs and big doe eyes, I just had to have her. Kelly Video. "A buzz cut takes away any shape from the face. I’m a bi 25-year-old woman bodybuilder with an exhibitionism streak, a masturbation compulsion and bondage. RITA’S REVENGE. Posted on May 7, 2020 by Buzzshave. ] Redemption Julie stared down at the nearly untouched tray of food before her. Stories on this site may contain both female and male haircuts, head shaving, buzzing, etc. Posted on December 23, 2020 December 24, 2020 by Buzzshave. If such material offends you, do not read any further. One of them would have long thick brown hair, hanging to just above her waist. He immediately felt the wave of nausea and pounding headache of a hangover. $ 23. It had, beyond their wildest. Tammy continued to push the bar of soap over Anne’s head until a thick lather began to drip from her hair. “Yeah,” Sandi replied. Spring break brings out all the silly girls! Sitting by the pool, Heather was easy to spot among the five horny guys. 'Damn,' [. Gail - My Favorite by DeShavrr I own and operate a cleaning service. Her thick brown hair was coarse and wavy. I was in a rush to get the final grades published for my American military history course because I knew how important those grades were for my ROTC students, who were on their way to duty stations. I must think about my very old aunt Cornelia, who died. Twins by Cruzzer One hot summer day, Melissa and Melinda, a pair of nine-year-old twin girls, [. She took a good last look at her precious long hair. It tickled my curiosity and my fantasies saying: “Young couple looking for young female for erotic. . “John’s running late but he says to go through. She knew she drew attention to herself, and that made all the rest of us mad. $ 23. A teacher from down under. Like everything else we know, the car is almost cool: a ’58, when the ’57 Bel Air is clearly the cooler ride, a cassette deck. Julie was talked into coming up to my hotel room for sex, but it turned in to something much, much more. 00. Girls at the Barber’s. Aug. (Getty Images) (WireImage) Aside. “Here’s the note. The Exchange Students – Vam. . $ 23. She was so tired after having sex that she decided to leave the perm rods and solution in overnight, knowing how much waking up to a lady with perm rods in her hair would turn him on. . My siblings, three sisters and two. Jingle Jangle! Happy Holidays! Our next model is Holly. Though lavish by [. It was the Spring semester that year when I discovered some fascinations of mine that I never knew existed. Oct. Add to cart. $ 23. Tammy took the soap and slapped it down on the top of Anne’s head and began to roughly work it back and forth. $ 23. The start of it all "Thanks Dad. Her good looks and streaming blonde hair had made her very popular in school and now she was going to be going to a suburban New. Feb. Jul. Carrie’s Cut. She is wearing a red teddy, with a lace set of panties, the crotch open. Her husband had just run out on her and their three daughters after 15 years of marriage. H. Add to cart. com. People would usually give her a second look when she walked past. Somewhere in the Midwest. Teresa Video. But seemed to surprise her when we were serious. Kelli’s Bet – Kelli21257 & NJDave. 22. – Shornlocks. Apr. The car rolled down the freeway. [. She had pulled a few muscles in the gym, and she thought she needed some medical help. ]Extending a Hand Even though my wife had kept her hair short while we were married, [. Let's [. The claimed IPX7 waterproof rating means it's good for a shower shave and it works with foam creams, according to the brand. “Wake up, wake up Suzy. Slow and steady on that first time out the gate. It is intended as a fantasy for adults, and does not advocate such activities in real life. Posted on October 3, 2023 by Buzzshave. Katie sat nervously on her bed at Saint Mary’s Boarding School for Young Women in Northern Maine. 14/10/2023. 09 Jan. ] Radio Waves by English Rose and Sean O'Hare "And now we would like to take you [. Caren looked in the mirror and saw that the barberette was ready with combing her dark, long and straight hair and that had she picked up her scissors ready to cut the split ends of Caren’s hair. When she reached her 25th birthday. $ 23. You must be logged in to post a comment. Description. ] 06. Sep. is a hot 22 year old who has had her hair long and medium length but never short, “The shorter I cut it the poofier my curly hair gets!”. It was a cold Friday in October. Posted on June 25, 2022 by Buzzshave. Posted on October 2, 2023 by Buzzshave. She showed up in a sweat shirt and baseball cap. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Add to cart. Take Me Out To The Ball Game by HeadBoy Jenna flipped the burgers as she sang [. That’s It, Cindy. Following news of the "Same As It Was" singer's fresh buzz cut, in which he. The Torment – David2505. THE SHAVE SLAVE: I am in a spandex full body suit. Perhaps, she thought surveying the knotty-pine paneling barren except for a price list, a pinup calendar and a few meeting notices, this. One Friday a month a local barbershop would have what they called Flattop Friday. Explain it to Me. 4. ]Time For a Change - Spud As I opened the door and stepped into the hairdressers [. ] Daphne & Diana Video. Luci Video. But not for long. Jane giggled and tried her best to not move, it was hard though when your husband was trying to get parcel tape to stick to you, and not to itself, himself, or anything else it came into contact with. Damn. . 00. Today she will be the canvas that the entertainment will be created. I had tried a new hairstylist myself a few months ago. Kelli and her friend Karen were “between boyfriends”, as Karen liked to say; and so they had gotten all dressed up and headed out to their favorite pub to see what was available in the old dating pool. Posted on June 25, 2023 by Buzzshave. It was the summer of 74. Likes. I did this often after returning from work. $ 23. “Jen. bad news babe, we are shaving it today, so it will be as short as it will go. Every girl dreams of being a princess, or a model. Quick View. What is key to understand is that hair is as transformative for the face as makeup. 09. Cindy's Wedding - Part 3 by NovoWriter The parting clouds caused the early morning sun to [. 27. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. A SURPRISE IN STORE by Sean O’Hare “Good morning everyone. “My hair is so short I want to see what it feels like shaved off. $ 23. In less than a minute, Kathy had a 3/8 inch brush cut. . Headshaving, buzzcuts and short cuts. Posted on August 8, 2023 by Buzzshave. Head Shave Videos Archives - Buzzshave. 00. Posted on August 18, 2023 by Buzzshave. She fired off the first pitch, still a little undecided and it ended up an easy pitch, right in Cheryl’s best hitting zone. Head Shave Videos. My husband worked with Ken for a year at the plant, but we never met. Aug. Aug. May. Just a Little Shorter By Dreadlocks. G. I was walking down Main Street. The Emotional Content By Jenny. “Miss Sarah Jean Majories,” the Assistant Dean of Students announced. Rachel walks and exercises frequently, eats a healthy. . It offers 90 minutes of charging, which is indicated by the LED screen. All of ours was bleached a sandy blonde from the sun, and pool chlorine. Oct. Posted on July 12, 2020 by Buzzshave. She would have no bangs, and all her. Flat Top Required. 18. It looks, er [. 00 We came across Carris as she was getting ready to cut her hair chin length and sell off the rest. Emily Video. She drove around 2 hours spur of the moment to be our model. Carl reached over and shut off the alarm. It looks, er [. As it stands though she did cry a lot. Board Mangement - Admin December 8, 2021, 11:28 pm. Blondie. Kara taught Math and Science, had signed on to teach at Morningside High School. They were all 16 years of age, ripe young teens that all attended the local high school. Her hair is bleached to a pure white, hanging lose just above her breasts. I had grown it out over the winter, and while it served its prupose of keeping my head warm, I started to tire of its weight and the amount of maintenance it required. Bets & Dares (54) De-Feminisation (19) Forced Haircuts (138) Foreign Langauge Stories (1) Girls at the Barber's (114) Home Haircuts (108)Buzzshave Bahia. . Several days later she told me to get my checkbook ready. 30 she returned to her room, and began to prepare. 00 We came across Carris as she was getting ready to cut her hair chin length and sell off the rest. ]Posted on August 28, 2023 by Buzzshave. . 13. It was the first time I had ever answered a newspaper ad. “All right. Zoe gives in to her desire. 01/11/2023. Watch as hair gets cut off and falls to the floor. 06. You must be logged in to post a comment. One of the Fridays a few months ago, my girlfriend made a bet with me. Soft features are best for a buzz cut. “Last week this really great-looking guy comes in, and we’re really hitting it off when who. 6,490. The Very Happy Ending to All Three Nude Models… latest fetish headshave video at Shavepage. A Free Crewcut by Barber Jos. Check other websites in . Double Trouble. . At Last Revenge. In a rush of ecstasy, your body tightens and shudders, hanging from the cage, as orgasm engulfs you. It was supposed to be a relaxing day out in the bay, simple, easy fun with her boyfriend, Paul. Both my. 00. All the boys would be hitting the barber shops again for their back to school trims, after having grown out the summer crops. Now I admit to having a hair fetish, or hairless fetish in this case. She is our Christmas spectacular! Her beautiful smile and cute body make her something to keep us all warm this year and many more to come. Today was the day the lawyer was to read the will. My Story – Anne. B. CutsCuts will offer our 92 different videos through this affordable. Kelsey’s heart began racing as she read a large sign on the wall which stated: “All Good Girls MUST Have Short Hair”. Will. So was her brown butch haircut, sides and back shaved to the skin, top always trimmed to half an inch. ]Rockie Lynn Video. She really had fun, and loved our guest stylist Heather! In her fantasy, we would all be drinking in the den, and the talk would turn to sex, and acting out our fantasies. A Night Out by KUTME. Posted on October 20, 2023 by Buzzshave. How To Completely Accept Hair Loss Even If You Think You Can't - todays video I talk about the pros and cons of both the. 00. . is a hot 22 year old who has had her hair long and medium length but never short, “The shorter I cut it the poofier my curly hair gets!”. I have long been a lover of female baldness and buzz cuts. Dec. Holly Video. I certainly believe that from my own thoughts, the same thoughts I used to be able to control.